
徐臣善1,2,**, 徐爱红2,3,*
1德州学院生态与园林建筑学院, 山东德州253023; 2山东农业大学园艺科学与工程学院, 山东泰安271018; 3山东华宇职业技术学院, 山东德州253034

通信作者:徐臣善;E-mail: michael_10@163.com;Tel: 0534-8987859

摘 要:

以‘长富2号’红富士苹果为母本, ‘红星’苹果为父本, 研究35 ℃高温对苹果花粉在花柱内萌发和生长的影响。结果表明: 温度影响花粉在柱头和花柱内的萌发及生长, 与对照相比, 高温促进花粉在柱头表面快速萌发, 并加速花粉管在花柱内的伸长生长, 但是在授粉72 h后, 高温处理下培养的花粉管形态出现花粉管变粗、弯曲并有瘤状小结的异化现象, 同时, 花柱发生褐变, 并产生胼胝质, 最终导致花粉管不能进入胚珠完成受精。

关键词:苹果; 温度; 花粉; 花粉管; 花柱

收稿:2013-09-22   修定:2013-11-18


Effects of High Temperature on Germination and Growth of Apple Pollen in Style

XU Chen-Shan1,2,**, XU Ai-Hong2,3,*
1College of Ecology and Garden Architecture, Dezhou University, Dezhou, Shandong 253023, China; 2College of Horticultural Science and Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an, Shandong 271018, China; 3Shandong Huayu Vocational College, Dezhou, Shandong 253034, China

Corresponding author: XU Chen-Shan; E-mail: michael_10@163.com; Tel: 0534-8987859


In order to study effects of high temperature (35 ℃) on germination and growth of pollen tube in style, Red Fuji apple (Malus domestica cv. Red Fuji, ‘Nagafu No.2’) used as female in the experiment was pollinated with ‘Starking’ apple (M. domestica cv. ‘Starking’) pollen. The results showed that temperature affected pollen germination on stigma and growth in style. Compared with control, high temperature accelerated the pollen germination on stigma and tube growth in style. Whereas, at 72 h after pollination, the pollen tube cultivated under high temperature was unusual, being thick and curved, and having nodulation at the bottom, and meanwhile, the style cultivated under high temperature became browning and produced callose, which caused the ceases of tube growth and fertilization in ovule.

Key words: apple (Malus domestica); temperature; pollen; pollen tube; style

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